We’re here again with our weekly geek trivia tidbits. Some fun ones coming up over this week, some of which we include below, other’s that we simply couldn’t get to due to space limitations. If you haven’t bookmarked it already, check out a MUCH fuller weekly list that BoardGameGeek puts out – we review it regularly ourselves as part of our efforts here and it is a delight!
If you didn’t see it last week, we want to be sure you know that Doxacon Seattle tickets are now available for purchase. here is a $10 discount for early bird purchasing. We’re deep in the details of putting things together, but it’s already shaping up to be a fun time – we look forward to having you join us!
By the by, if you are a vendors or volunteer, we have special discount pricing. If you’re a vendor or volunteer (or would like to be one!), drop us a line and we’ll happily help you out!

October 22– When critiqued for his lack of results despite great efforts, Thomas Edison famously retorted “Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results! I know several thousand things that won’t work.” But on this day in 1879, Edison and his team found a result that would benefit the world over: the best filament to use in an incandescent light bulb so that it would actually be usable. Read more at The Franklin Institute.
October 23 – The genius of Weird Al Yankovic, born today in 1959, is broadly recognized. So popular are his works that celebrities across genres & mediums consider it a privilege to be referenced in his pastiche, parody, and comedy work. For his part, Yankovic credits his success to pursing what he enjoys and being given the inspiration & opportunity to do so from Dr. Demento’s comedy radio show.
October 26 – Though we have a more pragmatic (and realistic!) idea of the potential and danger of AI, the movie The Terminator nonetheless continues to inspire and delight. Premiering on this day in 1984, it would end up grossing more than 10 times its budget and spawning a successful and popular franchise. Check out CBS’s retrospective on the occasion of it’s 30th anniversary (2014).

October 28 – The use of fingerprints took root in the United States only relatively recently – in 1904 (on this day) when Saint Louis detectives became the first police in the United States to keep a fingerprint database. This was due in part to a case of mistaken identity at a Kansas prison and subsequently, a presentation at the St. Louis World’s Fair by Scotland Yard. Thus sold on the system, their adoption of fingerprinting helped further the utility and use of fingerprints, which we enjoy even to this day. Read more at the Cleveland Police Museum website.
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