Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (April 21-27)

Welcome to this week’s geek digest. We especially remember our Orthodox brothers & sisters as they enter the final week before Holy Week. May the Lord bless you in preparation for the remembrance and celebration of the mysteries of our redemption!

A photo of a mannequin of a Romulan woman in uniform (from Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Nope, not these guys! (Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

April 21 – Star Trek fans recognize the names of Romulus & Remus – most famously explored in TNG’s two-part episode ‘Unification’ ….and most infamously explored in the TNG movie Nemesis. The legendary characters these two worlds are named after have their own fantastic stories that culminate in the founding of Rome on this day in 753 BC (or so early Roman scholars claim!). Read about both the history and legend at

April 22 – Just over 500 years ago (1516), Duke Wilhelm IV of Bavaria endorsed the Reinheitsgebot or “The German Beer Purity Law”. In short, this rule dictated that there may only be three ingredients in German beer: water, barley & hops. A source of great pride in Germany, it is hailed there as the first consumer protection law and a guarantee of the quality of a staple of German culture. Read more at the Smithsonian magazine (perhaps while enjoying a stein!).

A black and white photo of a group of scientists standing in front of Echo 1 - a massive silver balloon satellite

April 24 – Though satellites feature regularly in modern day-to-day life, they are still a relatively new feature. It was on this day in 1962 that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology first sent a television signal via NASA’s Echo 1 balloon satellite. Read about this breakthrough at Inverse.

The original Japanese poster for the movie Seven Samurai. It features one of the seven samurai standing and yelling with his sword in hand, while other characters are shown in various poses from the movie

April 26 – Today is the 70th anniversary of the release of the now-classic Japanese film “Seven Samurai”. It is considered one of the epic films of its time and the beginning of a genre that continues to inspire stories. If you’re looking for a reason to watch the movie, check out Roger Ebert’s review!

April 27 – Christians in the East today celebrate Lazarus Saturday. On the sixth Saturday of Lent – the day before Palm Sunday – the commemoration of the raising of Lazarus from the dead is observed by the Orthodox Churches. The Lazarus remembered is not the brother of Martha & Mary but rather the man from the parable (Luke 16:19-31) [EDITOR: thank you to one of our Orthodox readers for the correction that it IS Martha & Mary’s brother for whom this day is named]. Learn about the rich traditions of this day – and be invited to enter into them as you feel called! – at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America website.

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