Doxacon Seattle Weekly Digest (October 13-19, 2024)

Doxacon Seattle News

by Robert King

Yummmm… forbidden candy! I mean, dice.

For years we’ve wanted to offer more gaming at Doxacon Seattle. We love all kinds of games, from board games to card games to TTRPGs. But we’ve never had the resources to offer more than a single game at any event . . . until now! As you’ll read below, we’ve just welcomed a new member to our planning team, M.J. Brick, who happens to have a good deal of experience in and enthusiasm for running gaming sessions. He’s organizing our first all-day gaming room at Doxacon Seattle, and we’re thrilled to have him. He’ll be looking for game hosts, so if you’re interested in running a game, drop him a line at or fill out our Programming form here. Games are not only fun in themselves, they’re one of the best ways to connect with people across faith backgrounds and fandoms. Wherever you’re coming from, and whatever your geekdom, we look forward to getting to know you across the table!

If you haven’t marked your calendar already, make sure you’ve got February 8, 2025 set aside for Doxacon Seattle – Extasis: Escaping Reality in Pursuit of Truth!

Meet MJ Brick!

Doxacon Seattle:

Alright, let’s get this straight: So, you met the Doxacon Seattle Planning Committee at your first Doxacon Seattle, which was this year, and then were at the next DS Planning Committee meeting?! How does that work, exactly?


Ha! Yeah, not the most orthodox path to onboarding, is it? Pun intended. Well, it all started last year after Doxacon [Seattle] had just wrapped for the day…

I happened to be at an Eastside gaming establishment running a store event when a mixed contingent of attendees and staff stopped in for some after-con fellowship. As I was picking up after my store programming, I asked one of the folks still left after most had gone home what group that had been. She said they had all just been at Doxacon and that it was an event centered on faith meeting fandom. Now, I’ve been living deep inside the humming heart of hobby gaming for decades, now, and I’d never heard of such a cryptid… Read more of MJ’s story here!

Dates of Note

by Megan Lorance

Portrait of Ada by the British painter Margaret Sarah Carpenter (1836)

Many Bothans died to bring us these fun facts…

October 13 was Ada Lovelace Day! The world’s first computer programmer.

October 14, 1926 – A.A. Milne’s ‘Winnie the Pooh’ is published.

October 14, 1947 – Chuck Yeager makes the world’s first supersonic flight in the Bell XS-1.

October 16, 1950 – C.S. Lewis’ ‘The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe’ is published.

October 17, 1983 – English actress Felicity Jones – “Orders? When you know they’re wrong? You might as well be a stormtrooper.” – Jyn Erso, Rogue One

October 17, 1651 Blaise Pascal wrote the following in a letter written to Madame and Monsieur Perier: “Every thing is sweet in Jesus Christ, even to death: and this is why he suffered and died to sanctify death and suffering and, in common with God and man, he has been all that was great, and all that was abject, in order to sanctify in himself all things except sin, and to be the model of every condition.”

October 19, 2024 – Bellingham Comicon is going on!

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