Welcome to this week’s digest! Even as we prepare for our convention, we want to give a shout out to Grit City Comic Show, taking place at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center this weekend. Check it out at their website!
Doxacon Seattle 2024 preparations continue on for us – we’re eagerly anticipating our convention on February 10, 2024 at the Brightwater Center in Woodinville. If you’d like to get your ticket, you can do so at Brown Paper Tickets. There is a $10 discount for early bird purchasing – we look forward to having you join us!
(If you are a vendors or volunteer, we have special discount pricing. If you’re a vendor or volunteer (or would like to be one!), drop us a line and we’ll happily help you out!)
November 7 – In 1872, the Mary Celeste (a brigantine, or two-masted sailing ship) left New York for Italy. Less than a month after its departure, it was found adrift – sails still at full and with no sign of the captain, crew, or the family members that had been aboard. Apart from single lifeboat, the ship was not damaged and the cargo hold still full. Read more at History.com.
November 8 – Today, in 1895, Wilhelm Röntgen discovered electomagnetic radiation in a wavelength that we now call X-rays. Through trial and error, he ended up discovering that these rays passed through some materials while being blocked by others – his first X-ray photographs included his wife’s (giving a clear view of the bones within). He was the first recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics (given in 1901), given specifically for this revelation! Read more at the PBS website.
November 10 – Happy anniversary to Sesame Street! On this day in 1969, the first episode premiered on PBS. As The Guardian remarks in its article, “One attempt to statistically measure the show’s impact on American society failed because nobody could find a large enough sample group who hadn’t watched it.” – quite a statement to its impact around the world! Read The Guardian’s anniversary commentary here.
November 11 – Though observed on Friday (yesterday), today is the official celebration of Veterans Day – originally called Armistice Day for the 1918 signing of the agreement that ended World War I. Officially recognized in the United States in 1938, its name was eventually changed to Veterans Day in 1954, honoring American veterans of all wars. Read more at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
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