Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (January 14-20)

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Happy New Years all! We hope you had wonderful celebrations of the Nativity and the New Year.

Before getting into business, we want to take a moment now to offer to our Orthodox brethren what we couldn’t last week (due to several of us catching the holiday cruds): Christ is born! Let us glorify Him!

With the next year, we’re closing in on Doxacon Seattle 2024. We’re finalizing the details of the convention – we’ll have more to come fairly soon. But in the meantime, be sure to purchase your tickets for the big day! And if you’re interested in volunteering, check out our call for volunteers and sign up to help. In your kindness, please also pray for the success of the convention – we’re looking forward to seeing you there!

January 15 – On this day in 2001, Wikipedia kicked off with the first edit of an online encyclopedia. It has been set apart by a core philosophy of decentralization. Through the collaboration of thousands of users around the world, it has become a trusted resource on the internet. Read more at the official Wikipedia entry on its own history.

January 16 – In 1938, jazz hit the public conscious in a now-famous concert at Carnegie Hall. Benny Goodman and his band performed – first received rather unenthusiastically before energizing the crowd with a jam session on “Honeysuckle Rose”. From that night on, the concert sold out all 2700+ seats. Read more at the Benny Goodman website.

January 17 – Fear of new technology has been around since technology made its debut. But on this day in 1984, the Supreme Court ruling in Universal Studios vs. Sony Corporation of America marked a major moment in upholding the idea of ‘fair use’. Though VCRs are no longer a staple in modern society, the concepts that it helped cement continue to assist in the implementation of newer technologies. Read more about it at Stanford Libraries.

January 18 – Today (1974) marks the premiere of the television series The Six Million Dollar Man. The premise of a man enhanced by bionic enhancements captured the imagination of popular culture. It would eventually spawn a spin-off in the show The Bionic Woman and three movies that featured them both. Read about it and its impact at MSN.

Bonus! – One of our Doxacon Seattle members found this local geek treasure – we think you’ll enjoy it too. Check out Mount Vernon’s Klingon Visitation Guide:

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The Intersection of Faith and Fandom

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