Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (March 24-31)

Blessings on all Christians celebrating Holy Week! Let us pray for each other together as we meditate on the passion, death, and resurrection of Christ.

March 24 – For Christians following the Gregorian calendar (Catholics & Protestants), today is Palm Sunday – the celebration of Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. Christianity Today posted a lovely reflection on the celebration. Elizabeth Scalia (a Catholic blogger) wrote a neat fiction based on Luke 22:10, from today’s readings. Check them both out via the links above.

March 27 – Once a formal part of liturgical practice (at least in Catholic practice), the liturgical service of Tenebrae – or the ‘Service of Shadows’ is making a resurgence in many Christian communities. Centered on chanting of the psalms and the gradual extinguishing of candles, it is typically celebrated at the conclusion of Lent or one of the first days of the Triduum (Holy Thursday or Good Friday). Read more about it at the United Methodist website.

March 28 – For those following the Protestant & Catholic calendar today is Maundy Thursday, the day Christians celebrate the washing of feet and the Last Supper. Called ‘maundy’ from the Latin ‘mandatum‘ (‘A new commandment I give unto you’ – John 13), it is here that the Lord calls His disciples not servants but friends. Read a Holy Thursday reflection at Ligonier.

March 29 – The Passion of the Lord, celebrated on the Friday before Easter – or Good Friday – recalls the suffering and death of Jesus. In 2011, The Jesus Film Project created an anime titled My Last Day that recounts the last hours of the Lord from the perspective of the good thief. Though the imagery of Christ’s passion and death is painful to behold, it is an inspiring meditation on His offering and the invitation that is extended to us all. You can watch the video below [WARNING: violent imagery & audio] and read about the anime (with discussion questions) at the Jesus Film Project website.

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