“For just as bees know how to extract honey from flowers, which to men are agreeable only for their fragrance and color, even so here also those who look for something more than pleasure and enjoyment in such writers may derive profit for their souls. Now, then, altogether after the manner of bees must we use these writings, for the bees do not visit all the flowers without discrimination, nor indeed do they seek to carry away entire those upon which they light, but rather, having taken so much as is adapted to their needs, they let the rest go.”
– St. Basil, the Great
Who we are

Started in 2014, Doxacon Seattle is a fan convention devoted to the exploration of Christian themes in speculative fiction, gaming, and pop culture, and of the impact of pop culture on our lives of faith. We gather in fellowship to share, discuss, and expand our experiences of how our faith interacts with the popular culture we engage with. Doxacon Seattle is appropriate for adults and children aged 12 and above, and for fans from any or no religious background who are interested in the themes we explore.
Doxacon Seattle inclusion statement
Doxacon Seattle is committed to being a safe and welcoming space for everyone.
Absolutely everyone is welcome at Doxacon! Doxacon does not tolerate personal harassment or discrimination in any form or for any reason.
While our focus as an organization and event is on the intersection between various Christian faith traditions and fandoms/ geek culture, we welcome anyone who is interested in what we’re doing.Doxacon Seattle is committed to being a safe and welcoming space for people of all backgrounds and identities. You are beloved children of God, and we are happy to have you!
Read more about the discernment and formation of our inclusion statement here.
If you have any questions or comments, please let us know at info@doxaconseattle.com.
The Doxacon Seattle Planning Committee is a group of faithful Christians (including Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant members) who wish to expand the mission of Doxacon Prime into the Pacific Northwest.
Get involved!
We are always looking for presenters, volunteers, vendors, and partners in the conversation. If you are interested in working with Doxacon in any way, please check out our Guidelines page. If you would like to support our mission, connect with us on Facebook and our Facebook community – and please consider becoming a patron on Patreon.
Hailing Frequencies: ![]() www.doxaconseattle.com info@doxaconseattle.com ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Intersection of Faith and Fandom |