Author's posts

Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (August 4-10)

A photo of an icon of the transfiguration of Christ in Saint Catherine's Monastery, Sinai (Egypt). Jesus, robed in white and blue, stands between Moses & Elijah while Peter, James, and John sit stunned at the ground beneath them.

We were delighted last week to be part of Dungeons and Deacons with Advent Anglican. The next session will be on October 3rd – we’re looking forward to it! In the meantime, the 2024 Dragonflight GameCon is coming up at the Bellevue Hilton from August 16-18. And of course, work continues as we prepare for …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (July 21-27)

A photo of a USPS truck driving on the road as snow falls

Another week of summer ahead of us – and this one at manageable temperatures! We hope you’re having a wonderful time with family, friends, or (as some of us prefer!) enjoying peace & quiet in solitude. Whatever the case, you might enjoy these few bits of geek trivia to carry you through. July 21 – …

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Doxacon Seattle 2025: Our Clergy Keynote!

Reece Friesen stands in front of a mural he is working on

It is our great pleasure to announce that Reece Friesen will present our Clergy Keynote at Doxacon Seattle 2025! Reece Friesen is a pastor, speaker, writer, comic book artist, and all around creative type who lives with his wife Rachel and their five daughters in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada. As the scribe and artist behind …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (July 13-20)

A photograph of the Viking 1 Martian lander

While we’re actively working on plans for Doxacon Seattle 2024, there are still plenty of conventions going on in our region! This weekend will be KuroNekoCon (July 19 to July 21), held at the Spokane Convention Center – they’ve got a neat comeback story post-pandemic and are quickly growing. Even if you can’t make it, …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (July 6-13)

A stylized image of the cross section of a human brain made of circuitry

With the National Weather Service predicting temperatures in the 90s, we hope you are keeping cool and drinking plenty of water this week! Hopefully their predictions prove true and we see things start to return to normal over the next couple of days. In the meantime, here’s some geek trivia to distract you! July 6 …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (June 30 – July 5)

A photo of an icon of the twelve holy apostles. Four apostles are in the foreground with gold halos, the remaining eight are behind them, all against a gold leave backdrop

Happy Independence Day! We hope that you all are enjoying plenty of rest, relaxation, and time with family today. As you may have read in last week’s announcement, we have a lay keynote speak for Doxacon Seattle 2025: S.K. Ehra. Learn more about her at her website and on Instagram (skehra_author) – we’re excited …

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Doxacon Seattle 2025: Help Us Build a Con!

The Doxacon Seattle logo (cropped)

We are now accepting proposals for programming at Doxacon Seattle 2025! Our theme for 2025 is “Extasis: Escaping Reality in Pursuit of Truth”—a theme which lends itself to many genres and expressions of fandom. This is our tenth anniversary as an event and we’re hoping to build a spectacular program. For that, we need YOUR …

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Doxacon Seattle 2025: Our Lay Keynote!

We’re delighted to announce that S.K. Ehra will present our Lay Keynote for Doxacon Seattle 2025! S.K. Ehra is an author of fantasy, horror, and all that lies between. When not reading or writing, she can be found wandering the woods and, while skittish, is friendly when approached. Her latest novels are the dark fairy …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (June 23-29)

An icon of the disciples gathered together with Mary as the Holy Spirit descends upon them in tongues of flame

Though we have yet to see the weather reflect the season, we hope you’re having a wonderful start to your summer. We especially want to wish a happy Pentecost to our Orthodox brothers & sisters who commemorated this last Sunday the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles fifty days after Passover – blessings …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (June 16-22)

An icon depicting the First Council of Nicea - the council fathers stand together in their ecclesial robes holding a scroll containing the declarations of the council.

With summer beginning, we here at the Doxacon Seattle website are a bit behind on posting! Thanks for sticking it out with us. We hope you’re enjoying a good start of summer break from school, time with loved ones, and plenty of rest & relaxation! June 16 – Today marks an uncommon joining of secular …

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