Author's posts

Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (June 9-15)

An image of fans cosplaying Indiana Jones and his Ark at DragonCon 2006

Another week, another round of geek trivia! But before diving in, a bit of an update on Doxacon Seattle 2025. While we are still preparing formal announcements, we’re hoping to begin our call for presenters soon. There are a number of ways interested folks might be part of the convention: talks, panels, workshops, and one-shot …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (June 2 – 8)

A close-up photo of Roquefort cheese (colloquially 'blue cheese') spread across a round cracker

Happy June! We hope that you didn’t get too battered by the winds these last couple of days – here’s hoping our long Washington winter lets up soon 😏 We’ve had a couple of neat announcements over the last few days. The biggest one is the announcement of the theme for Doxacon Seattle 2025: “Extasis: …

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Doxaday: Dungeons & Deacons!

We’re excited to announce a collaboration with Advent Anglican Church to host a game night called “Dungeons & Deacons” with our 2024 clergy keynote speaker, Deacon Jeremiah Webster! “Dungeons and Deacons” is a gaming guild hosted by Analog@Advent in collaboration with Doxacon Seattle. This is a free event open to the public. All ages are …

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Theme Announcement for Doxacon Seattle 2025

We’re thrilled to announce our theme for Doxacon Seattle 2025. As always, we began with reviewing the best contenders from previous years, and soliciting from our Planning Committee new ideas. We had several great discussions, and slowly narrowed down the field until we came to rest on a theme we’re all excited about. And now, …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (May 26 – June 1)

A photo of a glass of scotch set on a wooden table

Blessings to you and your loved ones as we celebrate Memorial Day today! We hope you have a wonderful time with family & friends as we remember those who gave their lives in service to our country. May they rest in peace, and may the Lord bring peace to all nations & peoples. May 26 …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (May 19-25)

A graphic representation of morse code, indicating the code for each letter.

To all of our western Christians, happy (belated) Pentecost! May the Holy Spirit bring you many graces and gifts as we move from Easter joy into the work of the great commission. On the geeky front, we are delighted to share some work on behalf of our friends over at Bored Dragon Woodworking. If that …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (May 12-18)

A black and white print advertisement from 1962 for McDonald's and two other eateries

Happy Easter! In the Eastern tradition, today is the ‘Antipascha’ – which means ‘in the place of Pascha’. In the same tradition today (the first Sunday after Easter) and every subsequent Sunday of the year is dedicated to the Lord’s resurrection. Whether hailing from the West or the East, all of us here at Doxacon …

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Christ is Risen! – Truly, He is risen!

A happy and blessed Pascha to all our Eastern brothers and sisters!

Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (April 28-May 4)

Vigil during the Service of the Royal Hours on Great and Holy Friday, the "Pascha of the Cross", during which all of the Hours — 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 9th, as well as the Typical Psalms — are sung as one service

Blessings to all of our Eastern Christian brothers & sisters who enter into Holy Week. May these days be full of grace for you & your loved ones. April 28 – In many Eastern Churches, today ends with Bridegroom Matins. So named after the parable of the wise and foolish virgins from Jesus’ parable in …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (April 21-27)

A photo of a mannequin of a Romulan woman in uniform (from Star Trek: The Next Generation)

Welcome to this week’s geek digest. We especially remember our Orthodox brothers & sisters as they enter the final week before Holy Week. May the Lord bless you in preparation for the remembrance and celebration of the mysteries of our redemption! April 21 – Star Trek fans recognize the names of Romulus & Remus – …

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