Category: Faithful Geekery

Call for presenters and workshops!

Now that we’ve confirmed the date and location of Doxacon Seattle 2022 – February 12, 2022, at the Brightwater Center – we’re able to accept proposals for presentations, panels, workshops, and game sessions! Do you have insights on our theme, “Is this the way? Duty and Morality”, that you’d like to present? Do you have …

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Behind-the-scenes news, and convention news!

It’s been a busy summer for Doxacon Seattle, and we finally are able to bring you some updates! Board elections and Planning Committee Some of you may know that Doxacon Seattle is sponsored by the Christian Gaming and Unconventional Fiction Outreach, or CG-UFO, a non-profit organization focused on the intersection of faith and popular culture …

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Christ is Risen!

Indeed, He is risen! Happy Pascha to all who celebrate today! (For you on the Gregorian calendar, well, it’s still Easter season, so happy Easter to you too!) We’ve posted another video on our YouTube channel. Check it out:  


Hey Friend. Yes, you. Do you like stuff and things? Doxacon Seattle has a Redbubble store where you can buy STUFF! AND THINGS! We’ve got your masks! We’ve got your tshirts! We’ve got your tote bags! Check out the store for more stuff with the design from Doxacon Seattle 2021. (If anyone is interested, next …

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Thanks for a great Doxacon!

We had a great time today, and it sounds like you did too! Thanks! Thank you for your patience with our technical glitches! Thank you for your questions for our presenters! Thank you for your great conversations on Discord! Thank you for your faithfulness and your fandom! You made today a joy and a delight! …

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Meet our Clerical Keynotes for 2021: Frs. Augustine and Marcin!

Fr. Marcin Szymanski, OP (pronounced “mar-tzin”, not “martian”) and Fr. Augustine Hilander, OP are both Catholic priests and Dominican friars. The idea of prophecy is one of the most common tropes in pop culture, but not many know its origins in the Christian tradition of the West. Frs. Augustine and Marcin are excited to bring …

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Who Goes There? Uh, Let Me Think…

Written by Tim W. Brown “Who goes there?” – the sentinel’s challenge. And I think to myself: good question! Who am I? What am I? Where am I going? And by the way, why should I tell you? As far as we know for sure, humans are the only creatures that wrestle with the question …

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Not A “Real” Anything

  by Tim W. Brown Last month was November, which means it was National Novel-Writing Month to some of us (NaNoWriMo for short); the basic idea of which is that one attempts to write at least 50,000 words of a novel within the thirty days of November. To a great extent, it’s a community exercise …

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