Category: News

More content from Doxacon Seattle 2021

Our volunteer webelves are slowly but surely getting the video recordings from Doxacon Seattle 2021 available for viewing over on our YouTube Channel. The latest addition is Tim Brown’s thought-provoking “Killing Baby Hitler.” Check thou it out: Also, we’re always looking for ways to stay connected throughout the year. Please sign up for our newsletter …

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New look

Appropriately for the season, the admin side of the website died over the weekend; but with the help of tech support it’s live again as of this morning! Part of the problem seems to have been our old “Theme”; so we’ve updated the Theme. Since we had to do this at the last minute, there …

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Christ is Risen!

Indeed, He is risen! Happy Pascha to all who celebrate today! (For you on the Gregorian calendar, well, it’s still Easter season, so happy Easter to you too!) We’ve posted another video on our YouTube channel. Check it out:  

Our new YouTube channel!

Did you miss Doxacon Seattle 2021? Was there a talk you wanted to revisit? We’ve just launched a YouTube channel where we’ll be posting talks from the con, and maybe additional features as the summer progresses! You can subscribe here (and also click the bell icon to receive notifications when we drop a new video), …

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Looking forward to 2022!

We hope you had a great time at Doxacon Seattle 2021! We did too! Now we’re planning next year’s Doxacon, so here’s a quick update: We’ve selected a theme for 2022: “Is This the Way? Duty and Morality” We really enjoyed the online format, and so we’re committed to having at least an online convention next year …

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Thanks for a great Doxacon!

We had a great time today, and it sounds like you did too! Thanks! Thank you for your patience with our technical glitches! Thank you for your questions for our presenters! Thank you for your great conversations on Discord! Thank you for your faithfulness and your fandom! You made today a joy and a delight! …

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Doxacon Seattle 2021 Schedule!

It’s almost here! We have finalized our schedule (see below; all times are PST) and are looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday! 8:00am – Akathist (morning prayer) with Fr. Steven Clark 8:45am – Clergy Keynote: Fr Augustine Hilander, OP & Fr Marcin Szymanski, OP 10:00am – Hopepunk Theology: Revs Paul Schneider & Mindi …

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Doxacon Seattle 2021: Speakers and Sessions!

It’s been a bit since our last post here — the holidays have been a little more tumultuous than expected this year. But we have a great slate of speakers and sessions lined up for Doxacon Seattle, and we’re excited to introduce them to you! You already know our keynote speakers: Clerical Keynotes Fr. Marcin …

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Meet our Clerical Keynotes for 2021: Frs. Augustine and Marcin!

Fr. Marcin Szymanski, OP (pronounced “mar-tzin”, not “martian”) and Fr. Augustine Hilander, OP are both Catholic priests and Dominican friars. The idea of prophecy is one of the most common tropes in pop culture, but not many know its origins in the Christian tradition of the West. Frs. Augustine and Marcin are excited to bring …

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Tickets now on sale!

Tickets for Doxacon Seattle 2021 are now on sale through Brown Paper Tickets! Get a full day of talks, games, and community for just $10! Be the among the first to see the full convention schedule, and to register for breakout sessions and games! After you have purchased your ticket, we’ll keep you posted on further …

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