Tag: Doxacon

New Artwork for 2023!

We love the imagery, the colors, the hopefulness of this Once again, the talented Reece Friesen has created an image to express our theme for 2023, Pilgrims, Travelers, and Wanderers: What is Home? We love the imagery, the colors, the hopefulness this image has. Whether “home” is the place we return to, or a new …

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Details for Presentation Proposals

Apologies for being a bit late on this post. However… Proposals for Presentations are now being accepted! Do you spend way too much time thinking about the spiritual implications of the multiverse? Or have you mastered the art of establishing peace in a first contact with aliens? Maybe you’ve painted a masterful set of miniatures, …

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We’ve updated our YouTube channel!

The YouTube video logo (image courtesy YouTube)

We’ve been working on some tech upgrades! Many of the changes are invisible to the outside world. But one that might make a big difference to you is our new and improved YouTube channel! You can find us by searching YouTube for DoxaconSeattle or just clicking here! We’ll be posting new videos from Doxacon Seattle …

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Present at Doxacon Seattle 2023!

Doxacon Seattle is a convention by faithful geeks for faithful geeks. Presenting at Doxacon Seattle is a chance to share your geekery and your faith with the whole community! In the past, we’ve enjoyed theological analysis of Star Trek, spiritual lessons from Tolkien, game sessions, workshops on everything from writing to crafting to cosplay — …

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Next Doxaday: Writing Workshop on October 8, 2022

Autumn is upon us, and we’re ramping up for Doxacon Seattle 2023. We’ll have a bunch of announcements about “Pilgrims, Travelers, and Wanderers” coming soon, but first . . . Our next Doxaday is a writing workshop with Robert King! Because it’s October, we asked Robert to teach us something spooky. So he’ll walk us …

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Next Doxaday: Calligraphy workshop on May 14, 2022

Our next Doxaday is a calligraphy workshop with Erika Rae Heins! WHEN: 12:00 Noon on Saturday, May 14, 2022 WHERE: Marysville Public Library 6120 Grove St Marysville, WA 98270-4127 COVID INFO: We will follow all State, County, and facility guidelines. At this time, masks are not required. We recommend being fully vaccinated, but no proof of …

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Thank you!

We hope all you who attended Doxacon Seattle 2022 yesterday had as fantastic a time as we did! Some excellent presentations, engaging fellowship, lively discussions, and a delightful piece of collaborative fiction! Thank you for showing up and making the convention a true community! We’ll make the recordings and other aspects of the convention available …

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A change: Online only for 2022

Despite our hopes and efforts, we have had to move Doxacon Seattle 2022 from a hybrid gathering to an exclusively online gathering. Our Planning Committee has been watching the Omicron numbers, listening to our members, speakers, and vendors, and watching what other similar conventions have done, and we are confident that this is the right decision for …

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Safety at Doxacon Seattle 2022

Covid is on everyone’s mind these days, and we’re committed to making our in-person event both safe and enjoyable for all. We are following all of the requirements and recommendations of Washington State, King County, and our host the Brightwater Center. As of this posting, that means: Vaccination Requirements: Effective October 25th, those ages 12 and …

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Just a few weeks!

We’re just about three weeks out from Doxacon Seattle 2022! The planning committee is pulling together all the last minute details to make this a fantastic experience for all. For example: Getting vendors set up, so you can get awesome media, gear, and artwork! Finalizing the menu selections for our continental breakfast, box lunch, and …

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